Friday, November 10, 2006

The right girl for you

I really love you. I know without a doubt that there is no one anywhere that can make me as happy as you do. Maybe that's a selfish reason to love you, and it's not the only reason, but it's certainly an honest one.
I want to be that for you, and I'm really trying. Not because you've done anything to make me feel inadequate, but because you deserve it. I'm trying to better myself without completely changing, because I think you do love me for me. It's a tough balance to find. So while I look for the best me for you, maybe hint at the things you'd like to stay the same? Tell me if I changed something that you miss? And please, tell me what has to go. Because I can't think of everything by myself, and you deserve everything. You deserve more than you could ever dream of wanting.